If you first want to see an introduction to different aspects and diving conditions to finish deciding which Specialty Courses you want to complete next, this is your option. It is an eminently practical course in which we do 5 dives in the sea with a brief theoretical introduction of each one. Although the five dives can be chosen among all the specialties, there are a couple of them that are highly recommended:
Deep: We go down to 30 meters, we see the special details that must be taken into account and we do a little exercise to understand why, so that when we complete the Deep Diving specialty we can try to go down to 40 meters.
Underwater orientation: Where is the ship? Practices of natural orientation and with compass.
And also, given the local conditions and the preferences of the majority of divers, we usually propose:
Buoyancy: essential aspect of diving to tire less, do not damage the bottom, control well the descents and ascents.
Currents: special techniques such as negative entry, safety stop with the balloon, ...
Wreck: dive in the Boreas or the Formigues islands. Additional precautions to be taken in sunken ships.
Nocturnal: signs with the spotlights, nocturnal behavior of some species ...
Nitrox: basic aspects for the use of this common breathable mixture.
Dry suit: to start forgetting the cold under water.
Underwater Naturalist: if you are curious to know the different species you see, this is your option.
With this course you will not acquire the level of Advanced Open Water Diver, in order to achieve -4 complete specialties are necessary. With the Advanced Adventurer you will get new experiences and credit for the chosen specialties.
On-line theoretical training
Boat dives
Specific accessories needed: globus deco, focus, ...
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